Will there be redness or irritation after applying the threads?
Immediately after treatment, there is a mild irritation at the entry points of the threads. During the application, some bruises and bruises may occur, but they subside within 7-10 days, while it is possible to cover them with makeup.
Is it a painful process?
The placement of PDO threads is almost painless, after the application of a local anesthetic cream. Thus, the annoyance is significantly reduced.
Is it a safe treatment?
Yes. The fact that no incisions are needed for the placement of the threads, significantly reduces any risk during application or later. PDO yarns applied in this non-invasive treatment have been used in vascular surgery for more than 30 years.
At what ages do we apply PDO Yarns?
The treatment is usually applied to people over 35 years, on skin that shows mild relaxation and superficial wrinkles.