Pregnancy or Not?
A late period is considered the most common of the early pregnancy symptoms. Or is the delay not due to pregnancy but to a large weight loss, hormonal disorder, stress or some other reason?
Also "morning sickness" could be a symptom of food poisoning and fatigue the result of exhaustion after a period of hard work.
Many of the symptoms of pregnancy are likely due to stress or some other medical condition.
For this reason, a pregnancy test and a visit to the gynecologist are necessary to confirm the pregnancy.
Ask the doctor
Dr. Tzonis Panagiotis
« A positive pregnancy test is always positive. A negative test is less reliable. So, it is good to repeat it in a few days »
Hormones & Pregnancy Symptoms
Morning sickness, fatigue, frequent urination, emotional outbursts... Most pregnancy symptoms are associated with the hormonal changes that occur in the expectant mother's body from the first weeks of pregnancy.
Pregnancy symptoms are usually quite intense in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Estrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) work hard to protect the pregnancy and help the fetus develop, but they can also be responsible for many of the first trimester pregnancy symptoms.
After the first trimester, pregnancy symptoms usually subside, things become calmer and the pregnant woman enjoys this important period of her life.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms
The most common early pregnancy symptoms that you may or may not have are:
- Loss of period, when the menstrual cycle is constant. If you have an irregular period the above symptom is not reliable.
- Feeling sick, the so-called morning sickness, which can happen at any time of the day.
- Feeling of fatigue, which is due to the high levels of progesterone, It is intense in the first trimester, subsides in the second and often returns at the end of the pregnancy.
- Increased urination, as blood supply to the body increases and the kidneys work harder.
- Tender breasts, one of the first symptoms of pregnancy for many women.
Other pregnancy symptoms that accompany it are:
- Blood spotting or light bleeding due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.
- Heartburn and indigestion.
- Craving or aversion to certain tastes.
- Headaches and dizziness due to the unusual volume of blood.
- Abdominal cramps similar to period cramps.
- Increased vaginal discharge, without pain or irritation.
- Changes in psychological mood.
- An unusual metallic taste in the mouth.
- Constipation.
- Nasal congestion.