When the melanocytes decide to work harder, they produce more melanin and create "spots" on the skin known as Skin Pigmentation.
With them is created the insecurity caused by the impression that all eyes are on them…
Skin Pigmentation is a very common skin condition that mainly affects women. It often goes away on its own, but can last for years.
The dermatologist is the one who will suggest what is the best treatment for each case.
« Skin Pigmentation on the skin do not indicate a health problem »
Like a tan that… failed
Skin Pigmentation is a common skin condition that presents with skin lesions, spots, marks or "patches" in areas that are exposed to the sun.
Many times it even looks like a failed tan.
It occurs mainly in women, often for the first time during their pregnancy (then also called pregnancy mask) or when they start taking contraceptives.
It is also more common in people with darker skin tones, such as Latins, Hispanics, Asians, Indians, and Mediterranean peoples.
Skin Pigmentation appear mainly on the face and more specifically on the cheeks, forehead, chin and upper lip.
Sometimes they can also appear on the hands, neck and other parts of the body.