PDO & COG yarns are one of the new trends in cosmetic dermatology and plastic surgery.
It is important to understand that the only thing they have in common is the material of the yarns, while otherwise they are two completely different treatments, applied in different cases, expecting different results.
But what are PDO & COG yarns?
In essence, it is nothing more than stitches that have been used for years now in heart and vascular surgeries and their building material is called polydioxanone.
An important feature is that they are gradually fully absorbed by and in their place, the body builds collagen and fibrous tissue.
What are PDO yarns?
The initial PDO stands for "polydioxanone", a material that has been used for years in surgery, making it reliable and safe. They are single-stranded threads that help us gently straighten the tissues by creating a supporting mesh under the skin.
The technique is relatively simple. After selecting the area to be treated that can be on the face or body, a sufficient number of threads are placed, parallel and perpendicular to each other like a net.
The greater the number of threads, the greater the structural support that we will be able to offer, so pay attention to big words that promise you that with "2-3 threads the face will be able to stand up". Usually for the facial protocol we will need around 30 - 40 PDO threads and as many or more if we do the neck area.
Bruises and a mild swelling may occur in the next few days, and the result to show you should wait up to 1-2 months. This is because the effect of PDO yarn treatment is not due to the material itself being placed, but to the tissue that builds up around it when it is absorbed. And this is happening over the next two months.
What are COG yarns?
These are polydioxanone sutures which have on their surface some protrusions, hooks. These hooks may be on one or both sides, or even three-dimensional. The protrusions that they have help us to gently pull the skin in the direction we want.
COG yarns are used only in the facial area, to achieve tissue traction and gentle lift in the oval, cheekbones and neck area. With this repositioning of the tissues we manage to improve the image of the face that over the years looks heavier in the area around the mouth, with deep nasopharyngeal lines and empty cheekbones.
Our allies in this direction of course can be other therapies such as hyaluronic acid, which most of the times helps a lot in the result of the treatment with COG yarns, if it has been a few months before the treatment with PDO yarns, in order to create a strong substrate that can be pulled evenly.
In the case of COGs, the number of threads used is usually between 2 - 4 on each side of the face and the treatment is performed under local anesthesia. The result we see immediately after the treatment is not the final one since there may be swelling and some bruising in the area, which will subside in the next few days.
Where on the body can I use PDO yarn?
On the face usually treatment with PDO threads:
- in the cheekbones
- in the oval of the face
- in the nasopharyngeal grooves
- on the neck
- on the foot
- in the forehead
- the middle eyebrow
In the body the places where the yarns are applied are:
- on the arms
- in the thighs
- the buttocks
- on the chest
Where on the body can I use COG yarn?
On the face usually the treatment is applied:
- in the oval of the face
- in the cheekbones
- in the nasopharyngeal grooves
- on the neck
Contraindications to the application of treatment with PDO & COG threads?
Anticoagulant Treatment
Allergy or hypersensitivity to polydioxanone.
Active inflammation of the skin
What to expect after the treatment & how long does the result last?
PDO: Immediately after treatment there is a mild irritation at the entry points of the yarns. During the application, some bruises can be made, which leave within 7-10 days and can be covered with make-up products. To make the result obvious you will need to show patience for 1-2 months.
The treatment is usually repeated once a year, although the need for repetition is determined by your age, in addition to the general condition of your skin as well as other treatments that may be performed.
Read in detail: What is the treatment with PDO yarns ?
COG: Mild pain, especially when palpating the area, swelling and some bruising are not what should worry you. In the next 7 to 10 days that subside, the result of the gentle erection begins to be visible which becomes even better in the next 1 month. Your doctor will determine when you will have a reassessment appointment, which is usually after 2-3 weeks.
The duration of the results of this treatment varies from 12-18 months, depending of course on various individual factors.
Read in detail: What is the treatment with COG yarns?