Laxicity in the body is an aesthetic problem and a common cause of insecurity and lack of self-confidence in the aesthetic image. However, it is not a reason for health concern.
What is Body Laxicity?
Sagging skin loses its firmness. So the body seems to "fall" and the skin loses its firmness and youth.
Body Areas of Appearance
Loose skin usually occurs:
On face.
On the thighs.
On the feet.
On the hands.
On the belly
Who is Body Laxicity concern?
Body laxicity applies to people of both sexes. It can occur at any age, even in young adults who have either recently lost weight or already had very loose skin before the weight loss.
Body Laxicity: Causes
The causes of sagging skin on the body can start from genes and reach our daily lifestyle and habits.
More specifically, the following are responsible for the image of laxicity in the body:
The natural aging process which slows the growth rates of collagen and elastin. Aging is one of the factors that cannot be prevented.
Smoking is also included among the damages it causes to health, as it affects the production of elastin, the substance that gives elasticity to the skin, and collagen, which gives the skin its characteristic firmness.
Losing weight, especially heavy weight loss, leads to sagging skin, which is the next big problem that someone who wants to get rid of excess weight has to deal with. Also, women after the pregnancy period face a problem of relaxation especially in the abdomen area.
Exposure to the sun is another factor in skin relaxation, since UV radiation affects the elasticity of the skin.
Laxicity or Fat
Laxicity and fat in the skin are two conditions that are often confused, however they are completely different. In the first case, skin is the result of various conditions such as weight loss, while fat is excess body weight that accumulates in various areas of the body. A healthy diet and exercise can help prevent sagging as well as fat.
Adverse Conditions
Laxicity and excess skin on the body are also associated with several psychosocial conditions such as:
Hygiene problems
Risk of skin infections and irritations
Restrictions on clothing and activity
Lack of confidence in relationships
Body Laxicity: Treatments
Many non-surgical or minimally invasive options are available today to treat mild to moderate body laxicity such as:
BodyTite is one of the most modern tightening methods. It is radio frequency assisted lipolysis technology, which can be applied to any part of the body.
Morpheus 8, which combines the benefits of microneedling and radio frequencies, is a non-invasive treatment that is constantly gaining ground in the preferences of brands and anonymous.
Exilis Elite is a simple non-surgical treatment which, by combining the energy of radio frequencies with ultrasound, achieves the demanding triple goal: lipolysis, firming, anti-aging.
Non-surgical skin tightening procedures appeal to many people who do not experience severe body laxicity.
You are likely to get better results when:
Have and maintain a healthy weight
You follow a healthy diet
You don't smoke
Myths & Truths about Body Laxicity
Myth: Body laxicity can only be treated with plastic surgery.
Truth: Today there are many safe and effective non-surgical ways to treat sagging in your body.
Myth: Running causes sagging skin.
Truth: The truth is that exercise invigorates and makes you look more energetic. However, if you run in the sun without protection for long hours, your skin can be affected by lines and wrinkles.
Myth: Anti-aging products don't do much to relax the skin.
Truth: Antiaging products used before sagging begins can help prevent sagging.
Frequent Questions
Is there a way to lose weight without wasting my body?
It's hard to avoid laxicity, especially after losing a lot of weight quickly. However, you can try creams and other similar products on the market that aim to tighten, as well as gradually lose weight.
What type of exercise helps to deal with laxicity?
Weights and muscle toning boosts metabolism and helps burn fat. In addition, the trained muscles "plump" the skin in places where there was previously fat, resulting in a firmer appearance.
I have been overweight for many years. Will I experience a problem of laxicity in the body more easily?
When someone is overweight for many years they are more likely to experience laxicity in the body after losing weight.