Treatment Duration
Suggested Sessions
2-3 times/year
When we talk about chlamydia, it is a group of bacteria that attack the body's cells and grow inside them.
Chlamydia infection is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
Chlamydophila (pneumonia, psittacosis) are transmitted by droplets spread during speech.
The bacterial infection from this genus of chlamydia can cause pharyngitis, bronchitis, but also pneumonia, while sexual intercourse is not required for its transmission.
These symptoms usually appear 1-3 weeks after the transmission of the bacteria.
Chlamydia is diagnosed based on symptoms, when present.
Samples are taken:
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However, the same treatment should be followed by the partner of the person infected with chlamydia.
The majority of sufferers achieve complete recovery in the first stages of treatment, but treatment should not be stopped until the bacterium is completely eradicated from the body.
In cases of pregnancy, the treatment is subject to a corresponding modification and of course it is necessary to complete it consistently.
You are mutually monogamous or limiting your sexual partners
Do regular checks