Injectable hyaluronic acid is one of the most modern, safe and effective treatments in Cosmetic Medicine.
It allows us to bloodlessly and almost painlessly improve facial features and correct signs of atrophy. Aimed at both women and men.
This is an individual or combination treatment, which gives us a natural result, without the patient having to goto the operating room.
A prerequisite for a successful application is the excellent knowledge by the doctor of the facial anatomy and the properties of the material. As well as the sense of proportion and the aesthetic perception.
What is the Injectable Hyaluronic Acid?
Injectable hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycan as it is called, is a substance that is normally found in our body as a natural component of the skin.
It has the ability to retain water in the skin and help better connect collagen and elastin fibers.
Over time, an amount of our natural collagen is lost and not replenished. This results in a thinner skin in which lines and wrinkles are gradually created.
Using the injectable hyaluronic acid we can cover the amount we have lost, add volume, erase wrinkles and get a firm and hydrated skin.
How does the Injectable Hyaluronic Acid work?
As mentioned above, hyaluronic acid is a structural component of our body. The difference between laboratory hyaluronic acid and human is 1 unit, so that the body finds it difficult to decompose it easily.
Using a very fine needle, the doctor places the injectable hyaluronic acid at the base of the wrinkle, filling in any gaps, reducing or eliminating its depth.
Injectable hyaluronic acid is fully compatible with human tissue. This is why when it diffuses into the skin it is fully integrated into the tissues and gives the desired volume we need.
In addition, because it is a hydrophilic molecule that absorbs water, it offers excellent hydration in the area where we place it.
This reveals the "secret" of injectable hyaluronic acid, which also gives us a radiant, fresh, hydrated and vibrant face.
Points where Injectable Hyaluronic Acid is applied?
On the face the areas where hyaluronic acid is applied are:
- Rhinoplasty grooves
- Wrinkles of the forehead, eyes and middle eyebrow.
- Upper lip (smoker's wrinkles).
- Improving the contour on the lips.
- Increased volume in the lips.
- ncrease in the volume of the cheekbones.
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Smoothing out acne scars or post-traumatic scars.
- Dealing with neckline wrinkles
What is its duration?
With the right choice of material and quantity, but also according to the point of application, the duration of hyaluronic acid varies from one year while for high cohesive materials it can reach up to 1.5 years.
There are many types of hyaluronic acid. The choice of the appropriate one is made according to the type of issue we want to address and the wishes of the patient.
Does injectable hyaluronic acid have side effects?
The side effects of injectable hyaluronic acid are minimal. Usually we have an expected redness of the area in which the application is made, however this weakens in about an hour.
The most important contraindications to which hyaluronic acid should not be applied are:
- Pregnancy
- Thromboembolic events
- Patients receiving anticoagulant therapy
- Patients with a history of hyaluronic acid allergy
A slight swelling and more rarely some bruises may appear at the application points.
This does not need to worry us, because to some extent it is expected to happen and certainly their duration is very limited.
Hyaluronic acid treatment should also be avoided if at least one week has not elapsed since taking anticoagulants or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
What is the price of hyaluronic acid?
The price of the treatment is adjusted according to the areas, the amount of material we will need to apply and the needs of each skin.
What other treatments can it be combined with?
Hyaluronic acid treatment can be successfully combined with other treatments, such as face and neck floss, as well as mesotherapy.
Depending on the case, the appropriate personalized combinations are suggested for the optimal aesthetic result.