A very large portion of the population uses antiseptics daily and many times during the day, due to the unprecedented situation we experience.
We always have them with us in many different forms, so that we can feel safe keeping our hands and the objects we use clean.
However, do we know if this practice benefits or harms us?
In cases where antiseptics are abused some damage can occur, especially to those with sensitive skin.
In general it can manifest as
- Irritant dermatitis
- Allergic dermatitis
These events can range from mild to very severe.
The most commonly known are:
- Redness
- Itching
- Peeling
- Cracks
- Injuries
- Pain
So let's look at some of the better ways to use antiseptics.
We must not use antiseptic continuously. About 4-5 times a day is enough depending of course on our activities.
Moisturizing hand creams should be used to the same degree as antiseptics.
It is very important to carefully read the instructions on the package and we must follow them faithfully.
Antiseptics should be stored away from heat and humidity and preferably at room temperature. In addition the lids must be tightly closed.
In case we do not find available hand antiseptics on the market, we must not use light alcohol or oxygen as a substitute. This is because there is a risk of burns or severe skin irritation.
These products must be kept away from children, as there is a risk of swallowing them, thus endangering their health.
The use of antiseptics over a large area of the body should be avoided and we should take seriously the fact that alcoholic antiseptics are flammable. For this reason, we should not use them next to a fire, but neither should we light a cigarette before it dries well in our hands.
The gloves we choose should be quite elastic and when we clean them using bleach, we must open all the windows and ideally we should wear a mask. However, since this is not common, it is good to be careful in handling the bleach so that no drops are thrown on our face.
Finally, to clarify that the best way to clean our hands, as well as the most skin-friendly, is to wash them with soap and water. So we should not replace that, with the use of alcoholic antiseptics.
Bonus tip # No1: Bleach becomes ineffective when mixed with hot water! Therefore, we always combine it with cold water.
Bonus tip # No2: If the nature of our work is such that it forces us to disinfect our hands often, it is better to use gloves and apply antiseptic on them instead of the skin of our hands. Of course we have to renew the gloves every time they wear out.