Anal Pap Test & Rectal Cancer Prevention
The Pap test literally saves the lives of women threatened by cervical cancer. A newer version of the test, the anal pap test, aims to prevent anal-rectal cancer.
It is a simple, fast and safe method of detecting cancerous lesions or pre-cancerous changes with high diagnostic accuracy.
Anal cancer is a rare cancer, however in recent years it has shown an upward trend, as it is directly linked to specific types of the HPV virus (warts), the most common sexually transmitted disease today.
As with cervical cancer, the HPV virus is largely responsible for anal cancer.
What is the Anal Pap Test?
The anal pap test is a cytological examination of the anus, which operates on the same philosophy as the Pap test for cervical cancer.
This is a screening test that can determine if you have or are at risk of developing rectal-anal cancer.
As with cervical cancer, rectal cancer can be detected in early stages, so diagnosis is of particular value, since the disease is treatable.

«90% of anal cancer cases are associated with HPV infection»
Features of Anal Pap Test
The anal pap test gives information about the existence of the wart virus as well as possible precancerous changes in the cells of the anus.
These changes can eventually lead to cancer.
The various subtypes of HPV are responsible for warts in the anal area and intra-anal warts, dysplastic lesions of the area and anal cancer.
However, they are permanently cured if detected in time.
The anal pap test is now recognized as a basic examination which contributes significantly, up to 75%, to the prevention of rectum-anal cancer in men and women.